I'm single & don’t have energy to be in relationship: Shivin Narang

The young Delhi chap, who shifted to Mumbai in the year 2012 to try his hand in acting, is now a known face of small screen. Giving credit of his debut to Facebook, actor Shivin Narang who is born and brought up in Delhi, now commemorates the success of his last two popular TV shows. Recalling his initial days he tells, “My school and college life has been spent in Delhi only. I was more into sports like volleyball etc and participated in various tournaments too. After doing my graduation, I thought of giving a try into modeling. I did my folio and got a good response. The creative team of the show ‘Surveen Guggal- topper of year’ contacted me through Facebook and asked for my folio and called me for auditions. I went to Mumbai, gave audition and got selected for the role. So without giving any second thoughts I said yes and stepped into the acting industry without any formal training.”

He shares about his initial days of shifting from the place where he was used to get cooked food, maids for washing etc to the place where he has to take up every task on his own. He says, “Yes, that was my struggling phase that every new person in the city has to undergo. But for me, this phase has been proved fruitful in a way that what I am today is just because of the lessons learnt during that phase.”

He believes that both shows Surveen Guggal as well as Veera shot him to fame and shares, “Both of my shows were different. When I was approached for Veera soap then earlier I refused to do it but then my family and creative team of show motivated me to say yes. The decision proved right and I shot to fame also. But on the same hand, Guggal- a youth based show was already popular amongst youngsters and children.”

He claims that he has given justice to the role of adult character of Ranvijay in the then popular show Veera. “Yes, the role was challenging enough but then I love challenges. I have put my 100 percent in my work and the result is in front of everyone.”

For now, Shivin is looking for some good and meaningful work again and has said that viewers will surely see him on screen very soon. I personally wish him a good luck for his future endeavours. 


Brand Conscious
I am not brand conscious. I don’t see brands if I have to shop. What suits my eyes, I buy it but yes in some cases I am loyal towards a few brands   

Karam and Kismet to you is…
As a person, I believe in humanity. Kismet and Karma is in hands of Almighty God. I believe in giving and taking respect

On an island you would take along?
Definitely a cook as I don’t know how to cook food as I am quite lazy. I just know how to boil eggs

Maintaining celebrity status- Easy or tough?
To be honest, I am the wrong person to comment on this. I live my life to the fullest and don’t give attention to what others think. I give my 100 percent in my work. I don’t get conscious about what others will think but yes as an actor, I always try not to disseminate any bad message to the society which is though never taught to me since childhood

Are you in a relationship?
No, I am ‘ek-dum’ single.  I don’t have much energy to be in a relationship. I have not even got anyone special. When you personally meet someone then you need to take of a couple of things like her nature, behavior etc.


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