Believe in him! He is always around...

 My friend- My Almighty God!
"I took overdose because I didn't pass in my exams!";  "He committed suicide because he was not getting an apt job"; "I and my wife had a divorce because of lack of understanding"!

Do you think the incidents above are worth reading?  For me, all the above instances are related to the individuals who are weak enough from inside and didn't have the willpower and courage to confront the rough time. The lives above could surely have been saved if they knew the law of God.

Well, people usually question me that how can I be so positive towards my life? How can I keep a smile on face during tough times? The only reply that I give to them is that I believe in him and he is always around me! Here he is obviously my friend- my Almighty God!

My funda of life is simple- Remain positive- trust in him and see the miracles!  I believe that God is 24x7 around me. He is deep inside me. What you need is just to recall him with complete sincerity and honesty. My close ones usually ask that wht you don't go to Gurudwara Sahib daily? To which either reply or remain silent. The latter one is what I often prefer.

I don't understand the Indian logic. How can God get happy while going to gurudwara or any other temple?  I am sure that if you remember him for 24x7 he will be more happier.  This is my theory!  Remaining calm during any quarrel with another party; not saying anything wrong to anyone; getting out of all the negativity around and saying only two words "Thank You God" which will take mere two seconds helps me living a comfortable as well as peaceful and contended life!

It is said that more you thank more you get the things to be thankful for. Why can't you just remain positive in every dicey or tough situation? I'm writing this so that the readers could know the simple ways to live a happy life. If you fail in your one exam- does it mean you are a failure? I believe whatever you have, may be little, try to remain happy and thankful for it. Majority of Indians have a mindset that more money means more 'ayiashi' which is true to an extent but dear mates, more money is the sole cause of serious problems in life! A person getting the salary of bloody one lac per month too dreams of earning more!  There is no limit for his dreams. But friends,  once you will understand the law of gratitude then no power can stop you from a attaining the things you dream of!

The point when you would realise that God is your best buddy with whom you can share anything and can ask for anything,  that point is when you would lead your life happily! So, before I conclude, will only say that raise your hands not only to demand but to say thanks for every little thing that you are bestowed with!

Note: The views expressed in the write-up belong to the author of the blog, with no intention to hurt or disregard sentiments of any individual, religion or community at large.


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