Life after ‘Retirement’

Quality time being spent in garden after retirement
Laughing loudly with a group of other comrades in the gardens either in the early morning or at dusk is the mark of ‘Retirement’. Now the daily routine of going office and coming back to home in evening has been changed. The capacity of the body has been lessen but not the enthusiasm to live lively.  

I felt so happy when I came into touch with few elders who shared their life after getting free from their professional world and stepping back to their childhood once again!

Growing older is a happier experience, giggles Ramesh Khanna, retired from business of coal mines. After doing hard work whole life, now he is enjoying his retirement life. He shares his experience, “I had done lot of tough work in my entire life. But now I am taking full pleasure of retired life. Though I don’t go out for doing work, still I engage myself in one or the other work. But most importantly, the best time of my whole day is when I go for a walk early morning with group of neighbours. I enjoy that time as I get to share my whole life encounters with them.”

There is no denying the fact that when you retire your lifestyle too changes. This does not in any way mean that you will no longer lead a happy and contended life.

Arjun Singh, Retired Army Officer, contributes, “Retirement can be beautiful if you plan it well. Unlike in years gone by, planning for life after retirement requires much more thought and more money simply because our expectations are much higher today. The desire to lead a carefree lifestyle after retirement is certainly uppermost in the minds of most people. And if you have your savings with you then you won’t become a liability for your family.”

For Paramjeet Kaur, retired government lecturer, the life after retirement is much more beautiful than prior as she could spend her time with family especially grandchildren. She expresses, “I am truly touched when I realized the value of spending time with grandchildren. I was not known about even a single liking of my grandson but now as I spend my whole day with him, I came to know the true importance of life. I am enjoying my retirement life to extreme.”

Retirement is certainly not about depression and cash crunches. Retirement can be an ideal time to have some fun.

Mr RR Sharma, retired from a bank as Regional Manager, reveals, “Retirement is the freedom that we earn after slogging all those years at our workstations. It would be such a waste if we let this opportunity pass without making the most of our retirement days! I too absorb myself in giving paid consultations to people. And most often I accompany my other retired friends for an evening chit-chat in nearby parks. This makes me feel relaxed and free from all stress.”

For Mr M.P. Sharma, businessman, there is no retirement. He utters, “Though I have reached the age of retirement, yet there is no age of it for a businessman. Today also I help my son in his business of medicines. But I am not bound to it. I can stop aiding him but what’s the fun of sitting unoccupied at home. Therefore there is no written age of retirement for business class people. They are lucky that they can do anything they want either continue their business or could enjoy their life with family.”


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