Computer Viruses- Funny but Unsafe

Have you ever heard about the funny types of computer viruses? A virus showing a lady in a dance poses. This sounds quite amusing but is quite true that in late 90’s such viruses pop up on everybody’s desktop which results in loss of data and many more.

The term Computer Virus is commonly known to all. It is a computer program that copies itself and infects the computer. Many forms of harmful viruses were established since 19thcentury till today which were not known to users and affect the user’s system secretly.

In late 90’s and so, various funny viruses aroused on one’s PC. And some of them too established in form of games later.

Rajesh Joshi, Software developer, reveals, “The first virus which I found was in 90’s was known as Raindrop virus. In this, all the characters on the screen fall down bit by bit forming shape of mountain. This indicated that your system is being hanged. Later, the system needs to be reset. Sometime later, a game was introduced by the same name which got very famous among kids and still liked today.”

In the same era, another virus by name ‘Maddona’ emerged. This was a virus in the shape of a lady in a dancing pose. Whenever one sit on his computer, she appears while saying ‘Hi I am Maddona’ and later your system gets hanged, he adds.

Then another virus developed by the title of ‘SUNDAY’ virus.

Rajiv Khanna, IT expert, shares, “It’s been long that when I sat on my PC to do some work on Sunday, a pop up occurred saying, ‘Today is Sunday-Why are you working?’ and then my system stopped operating. I first smiled but later, I too got annoyed when my whole data got misplaced. Then we came to know that it’s one of the dangerous viruses which affect our system poorly. Though these types of virus look funny but they were very harmful in 90th and 20th centuries.”

Not only this, in starting of 2000 period, another risky virus formed by one couple of Philippine.
Rajneesh Gupta, IT Professional, shares with TOJ, “The couple discovered a virus by the label of ‘I LOVE YOU’ also known as Love Letter. It was a computer worm that successfully attacked millions of computers in 2000. It was sent via email attachment with text I LOVE YOU in subject line. The worm arrived email on and after May 4, 2000 with the simple and attractive subject of these three words and an attachment ‘Love Letter for You’. The final extension was hidden by default leading unsuspected users to think that it was a normal text file. After clicking on this attachment, the worm sent a copy of itself to everyone in windows address book and with the user’s sender address. It also made a numerous malicious changes to user’s systems.”

Today, for internet users, this threat can come by downloading files through FTP (file transfer protocol).

Talking to another computer operating expert, Mr Rupesh Sharma, he adds, “Each virus has a unique event associated with it. These events and their effects can range from harmless to devastating. For examples, an annoying message appearing on the computer screen, reduced memory or disk space, Modification of data, Files overwritten or damaged, Hard drive erased etc. I would suggest that better not to download any antivirus from internet. And moreover avoid installing free anti viruses for a fixed period of time. If they are not purchased later, it becomes a virus in itself. Hence, to avoid computer being attacked from virus, purchase a good antivirus from market for Rs 400-1000 for a year’s subscription or so.”


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